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Services Portal

The SoftwareOne Services Portal (SSP) is available at

  • We support Single Sign On through Microsoft or Google, there’s no need to register, simply choose your provider and login.

  • If you prefer to use a Username and Password, with MFA, with us, then choose Register and follow the activation process.

  • We also support Enterprise Federation; contact us for more information on setting that up.


The SSP provides a single point of access to your SoftwareOne Services.

You can:

  1. Raise requests, support tickets and billing queries.

  2. View service reports.

  3. View service documentation, including your Operations Definition.

  4. Access specialist tooling such Gorillastack for Cost Optimization & other tools such as our enterprise grade Backup & Monitoring portals.

You will be given access to the portal during your Service Onboarding.

If you have any difficulties with the SSP you can raise a support query using any of the normal methods

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