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Publisher Updates

The Publisher Updates Services module provides access to a feature of the SoftwareOne Services Portal where updates and notifications are posted about in-scope software publishers’, in-scope changes, such as new versions, end-of-life announcements and modifications to licensing terms.

To access Publisher Updates, simply click on the tile on the Services Portal home page:


Overview and filters

On the main page you will find the overview of all publisher updates which consists of two main area’s:

  1. Filters (green highlighted area)

  2. Main details of the publisher updates (red highlighted area)



You can refine the list of updates by using one or more of the following filters:

Search by subject or product. This search is not case sensitive

  • Publisher

  • Update type

  • Region


The overview contains several relevant data fields which help to understand the publisher updates. On this page you can find the following information:




Company responsible for the software.


Short description of the publisher update.

Update type

Each publisher update will have one of the following update types:

  • General

  • Licensing

  • Pricing

  • Product

  • Promotion

  • Contract

Relevance start date

The first date when the update is relevant.

Relevance end date

The last date when the update is relevant.


The geographical scope where the publisher update applies to. This could have one or more of the following values: Global, NORAM , LATAM, EMEA, APAC.

Impact product

Whenever a publisher update is applicable to one or more certain products only, this will be mentioned here.

Impacting contract

Whenever a publisher update is applicable to one or more certain contract types only, this will be mentioned here.

You can also use the columns for ordering the results by clicking right next to the column name. First click will order the list by ascending order, second click will order in descending order and third click will clear the sort


When you one want to see more details of a certain update you can click anywhere on the row to access the detail page or choose the magnifying glass in the action column.



In order to go back to the overview page you should use the back button of your browser.

On the details page can find besides the overview information (see above) also the following additional information:



Publisher announcement

Link to the publisher website where the update was shared.

Update description

A longer description of the update.


What SoftwareOne sees as the general impact for clients

Call to action

What SoftwareOne in general consider as the call to action for clients

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