How to.. Resolve the error "Need admin approval" at login
After choosing “Microsoft” to login to the SoftwareOne Services Portal (SSP), you are presented with the following error:

“Need admin approval. unverified needs permission to access resources in your organisation that only an admin can grant. Please ask an admin to grant permissions to this app before you can use it”
Your EntraID’s Enterprise Application “User Consent Settings” are restricting the SSP Enterprise Application's from authenticating your users.
The settings will be within the red area show below

You EntraID adminstrator will need to give the SoftwareOne Cloud Identity application Read access to your EntraID, on the OPenID protocol.
To do that the Adminstrator can do one of two things:
Change the Consent Settings to allow User Consent
The screenshot below shows the recommended setting

The 4 permissions classified as low impact make up the OpenID protocol

Review the Request and allow the application.
If you have been able to Request access using the following dialog

Your EntraID Admin can review and approve the application request

Further reading..
On the SoftwareOne Cloud identity application application, refer to our KB article:Microsoft Authentication Application details
From Microsoft on configuring Consent: