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Accessing the SoftwareOne Services Portal

You can access the SoftwareOne Services Portal (the SSP) at the following URL:


You will be onboarded to the SSP using your email address during Service Onboarding.

The SSP supports the following three authentication methods:

Single Sign On Microsoft and Google:

To use Single Sign On through Microsoft or Google, you do not need to register or 'Sign Up' with us. Simply click to choose your provider at the login prompt and authenticate.

  • Choose “Continue with Microsoft” to use your EntraID, aka Azure Active Directory, or your Office 365 identity

  • Choose “Continue with Google” to use your Google Suite or Google Suite.

Single Sign On using Enterprise Federation

The SSP also supports Enterprise Federations. This will the authentication of users with your chosen email domain to your specific Identity provider, i.e. your Corporate EntraID or your on-premise identity system.

To setup an Enterprise Federation simply contact us and we’ll be in touch to setup a federation with you. We support a large suite of Identity Provider protocols inc. SAML and OAUTH.

Registering a Username and Password

If you prefer not to use Single Sign On, choose Sign Up and follow the activation steps to register a username and password with us.

When you register you must choose a password that meets the following requirements

  • Minimum of 8 characters

  • No more than 2 identical characters in a row

  • Must include at least three of the following:

    • Lower case (a-z)

    • Upper case (A-Z)

    • numbers (0-9)

    • Special Characters (!@#$%^&*)

  • Multi-Factor authentication is mandatory for customers that have Registered with us, and you will be asked to configure an MFA device

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