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CMS Essentials Permissions Boundary

As part of CMS Essentials onboarding, SoftwareOne applies a Permissions Boundary to all IAM principals in the AWS Master Payer account. This permissions boundary is designed to restrict access to the AWS Cost Explorer, protect SoftwareOne (SWO) resources, and conditionally lock access to the support console for Partner Led Support (PLS) customers. By applying this boundary, SoftwareOne ensures compliance with the AWS Solution Provider Program (SPP) by safeguarding partner discounts, preventing confusion over pricing discrepancies, and maintaining adherence to PLS program requirements, thereby avoiding potential penalties or customer removal from the program.

It is important to note that a Permissions Boundary does not independently grant permissions; it acts as a filter that constrains the permissions defined in IAM policies.

This Permissions Boundary automatically applies to all IAM principals in the management (payer) AWS account.

The following table outlines all the rules applied by this policy.









All actions (*)

All resources (*)


Grants all actions across AWS resources unless explicitly restricted by specific deny rules.

It is important to note that a permissions boundary does not independently grant permissions; rather, it acts as a filter that constrains the permissions defined in IAM policies.




CUR reports starting with "SWO" or "swo"

Deny unless the requester’s ARN is in specified administrative roles.

Protects cost and usage reports from unauthorised modifications, ensuring only trusted roles can make changes.



IAM policy modifications (iam:*Policy*)

SWOMasterPermissionsBoundary policy

Deny unless the requester is in an administrative role.

Protects the permissions boundary policy itself from being altered by unauthorised users.



iam:DeleteUserPermissionsBoundary, iam:DeleteRolePermissionsBoundary

All users and roles

Deny if SWOMasterPermissionsBoundary is the boundary and the requester is not in an administrative role.

Ensures that the permissions boundary remains applied, enforcing security.



iam:PutUserPermissionsBoundary, iam:PutRolePermissionsBoundary

All users and roles

Deny if the boundary being applied is not SWOMasterPermissionsBoundary.

Ensures only the intended permissions boundary is used, maintaining the security structure.



IAM roles and policies modifications (iam:*Policy*, iam:*Role*)

Roles and policies starting with "SWO" or "swo"

Deny unless the requester is in an administrative role.

Protects key Swo IAM roles and policies from unauthorised changes.



CloudFormation stack modifications (cloudformation:*Stack, cloudformation:UpdateTerminationProtection)

Stacks starting with "SWO" or "swo"

Deny unless the requester is in an administrative role.

Prevents unauthorised changes to critical Swo CloudFormation stacks.



Lambda function modifications (lambda:*Function*, lambda:AddPermission, lambda:RemovePermission)

Functions starting with "SWO" or "swo"

Deny unless the requester is in an administrative role.

Protects key Swo Lambda functions from unauthorised changes.



SNS topic modifications (sns:DeleteTopic, sns:SetTopicAttributes, sns:AddPermission, sns:RemovePermission)

Topics starting with "SWO" or "swo"

Deny unless the requester is in an administrative role.

Ensures that critical SNS topics are not altered without proper authorisation.



Organizational SCP modifications (organizations:RemoveAccountFromOrganization, organizations:UpdateOrganizationalUnit, organizations:UpdatePolicy, etc.)

SCPs, accounts, roots, and OUs in the organization

Deny unless the requester is in an expanded list of administrative roles, including Control Tower and related roles.

Protects the organizational structure and SCPs from unauthorised changes.



CloudTrail modifications (cloudtrail:StopLogging, cloudtrail:DeleteTrail)

Trails starting with "SWO" or "swo"

Deny unless the requester is in an administrative role.

Ensures logging remains active, crucial for auditing and security compliance. Applies to Swo trail.



EventBridge rule modifications (events:*Rule)

Rules starting with "SWO" or "swo"

Deny unless the requester is in a Swo administrative role.

Protects critical event-driven Swo architecture components from unauthorised modifications.



Billing-related actions (budgets:*Budget, ce:UpdatePreferences, ce:*Report, cur:*, billing:*, etc.)

All billing related resources - Budgets, Cost Explorer, Cost and Usage Reports, Tax Settings and Services, Billing Services, Invoicing Services, Payments, Account Management

Restricts access to sensitive billing data and actions to prevent unauthorized financial activities.

When using an AWS partner, Cost Explorer data include Partner discounts, leading to discrepancies when comparing with invoices. For accurate cost tracking, SoftwareOne recommends using AWS Billing Conductor or a third-party Cloud Spend Management tool to reflect correct data.

DenySupportConsole (Conditional)


Support console access (support:*)

All resources

This applies if Partner Led Support (PLS)guardrails are enabled and the requester is not in a specified support role.

Ensures only authorized personnel can access the support console, preventing unauthorized changes to critical settings.

For PLS customers: All tickets must be submitted through SoftwareOne, and restricting console access is a mandatory requirement of the PLS program.

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