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Change Management Scope

In-Scope Change Management is provided to Customers with an active Maintenance and Change Management subscription. Customer may request an In-Scope Change by raising a Service Request with SoftwareOne.


Modify Identity and Access Management configuration

Modify Centralised Logging configuration

Modify Organizational Structure configuration

Create/Close Cloud Accounts

Modify Cloud Account/global setting configuration

Configure/modify/delete IAM role, policy, user

Modify Account Factory configuration

Modify Control Tower Security Control configuration

Changes not listed in this Change Management Catalog are out of scope. Any request for an out of scope change will be subject to the written agreement of SoftwareOne (“Change Note”) and, if agreed to be provided shall, unless otherwise agreed in writing by SoftwareOne, be provided under the terms of the Services Contract (as may have been amended by the parties in the Change Note). For the avoidance of doubt, any out of scope change shall be subject to additional charges to be agreed in writing by the parties at the time in the Change Note.

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