How To Restore SharePoint on Metallic
This Document describes the procedure to perform SharePoint Restore. Find below the detailed step by step process to execute the restore.
Step 1 – Log into the Metallic Portal at
Step 2 – From the Console navigation pane expand Protect ->Applications -> Office365 . Select the SharePoint Online app.

Step 3 – Below mentioned are availble for Sharepoint Restoration
• Restore a Site: Restore full site from available recovery points.
• Restore a Document: Restore the indidual file/folders to Original Location (In Place) or to Another SharePoint site.
Step 4 - Below mentioned are type of the restoration options available.
Restore from the latest backup:
On the page, select the site that is needed for restore/needed to restore a file or folder from.

Click Restore, and then click Restore sites.
Restore from the older backup:
a) On the Users tab, click on the user that is needed for restoration
b) Select the required recovery point and click on restore

Step 5 - The Restore options dialog box appears, with options for restoring to the original location (by default)

Restoring a SharePoint Online document to its Original Location ( In Place ):
On the Sites tab, select the sites that contain the documents to restore (Restore the data to its original location is selected by default)

• Click Restore, and then click Restore documents.

Restoring a SharePoint Online document to Another SharePoint site:
On the Sites tab, select the sites that contain the documents to restore

• Specify the location to restore the documents in the Destination path box, click Browse, and then select a location. Click Restore.

Step 6- Under File options, for If the file exists, specify what to do with existing items:
To overwrite existing items, select Overwrite unconditionally.
To not overwrite existing items, select Skip.

Step 7 - Under Advanced options, do the following:
To restore the ACLs, select the Restore ACLs only check box.
To restore the workflow definitions and alerts, select the Restore workflow definition and alerts only check box. Click Restore.
To restore only there latest version of the documents, select Restore latest version only

By default, if the restored document already exists on the destination, it will be skipped from the restore operation. However, you can optionally select any one of the following options:
Restore ACLs only (only ACL information/permissions for the selected content is restored). No data gets restored if you select Restore ACL only.