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How to create an Azure Storage Account for use with Metallic

This document describes step by step creation of Storage Account with recommended settings for Metallic Backup.



Sign in to Azure portal

On the resource menu, or from the Home page, under Azure services, select Storage accounts. The Storage accounts pane appears.

On the command bar, select Create. The Create a storage account pane appears.

  1. On the Basics tab, enter the following values for each setting.
    a) Choose subscription on which you would like to deploy storage account.
    b) Choose Resource group: if there’s not already existing one you can create new one.
    c) Give the name in the field of storage account name (3 to 24 characters*)
    d) choose region where you would like to deploy
    e) choose performance tier (we recommend Standard)
    f) in redundancy please choose your tier as well. We recommend GRS due to it’s redundancy level. It is possible but not recommended to choose LRS as well. Please do not pick ZRS due to Microsoft limitations)

Select Next : Advanced
By default there’s option chosen for Access Tier Hot, we recommend to use it.

Select Next : Networking. Enter the following values for each setting.

Please leave default options.

Network routing : Routing preference Microsoft network routing. Use of the Microsoft global network that is optimized for low-latency path selection.

To configure restricted Azure BYOS storage for Metallic, you must add Metallic as a resource to your Azure Virtual Network (VNET).

Contact Metallic Support to request a Metallic subnet resource ID. In the ticket, include the Azure region where your azure storage account is located.

Metallic Support will provide the subnet ID, which you can configure on your storage accounts using the following Azure CLI command:

az storage account network-rule add --resource-group “customer_resource_group_name” --account-name “customer_storage_account_name” --subnet "subnet_ID_provided_by_Metallic_SRE"

Select Next : Data protection.
Please leave default options.

Select Next : Tags.
Please leave default options.

Select Review + create to validate your options and to ensure all the required fields are selected. If there are issues, this tab will identify them so you can correct them.

In order to have a successful restoration of the Virtual Machines from the backup please make sure to add the 2 API permissions on the storage account’s IAM role.

  1. The Storage Blob Data Contributor

  2. Storage Blob Data Owner role.

When validation passed successfully, select Create to deploy the storage account.

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